prominent ear surgery

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prominent ear surgery

Ear surgery:
It is natural that we feel great interest in our appearance and strive to complete the deficiencies that are part of us with the smallest details when we hear the phrase ear plastic surgery. The first thing that comes to our mind is the prominent ear plastic surgery. It is also possible to reduce the ear in a certain way.

Is there any health damage to the prominent ear?
The prominent ear plastic surgery is one of the most famous plastic surgeries in the Arab world
It is natural that there are some questions about this operation, if it has any harm, but the prominent ear operation does not have any harm. The reasons for the prominent ear operation are on the psychological level and the psychological state of the person is greatly affected by his appearance and people’s view of that appearance, and embellishment of the prominent ear is not considered one of the Aesthetic appearances, but rather make the overall shape balanced for the face.

For more inquiries about this process and whether it is suitable for you, you should visit your doctor and consult him
